Wednesday 8 June 2016

The Fitness Journey So Far

I think this post has been a little bit of a long time coming sort of thing. I didn't make any resolutions at the beginning of 2016; I'd just come out of a relationship, I'd recently been promoted, I was half way through my second year of university and I just felt like I deserved some me time, no rules apply. I've always been petite but I can't put it down to hard work, a naturally high metabolism and self control over not overeating has served me well over the years. But I know I'm not fit, climbing a flight of stairs or running anything over 30 seconds left me tired and struggling to breathe.

I'd been great at going to the gym when my friends were at university, it's easier to train amongst over people, you all motivate each other and get a little competitive. But being on my own most of the time during second year has left me lazy and unmotivated. I decided to start join the gym again in January like most people do, but I've actually stuck to it. In fact, I've became quite the gym junkie. I even learnt to enjoy cardio, I know, insane lady!

The journey so far has been a bumpy one, some weeks I'll be super motivated, eat as clean as possible and train 3-4 times a week, or weeks I do nothing. I've found the biggest obstacle to conquer is the barrier you create yourself through lack of motivation. It's easy to snooze your alarm until the last minute for work or get back from work and collapse on the sofa and not move the whole night. The nights I push myself out of a post work nap to go for a 5k run are becoming more common, shocking. It's going to take me a little longer to maintain any sort of motivation with weights though.

I don't find it easy to stay so thin these days though, my yo-yo eating habits have left me with an un-flat stomach that refuses to show any abs and a dominant quads which wobble when I walk. My self image probably isn't very favourable and therefore I never weigh myself or measure myself because I'd just go to extreme lengths which wouldn't be healthy. Instead I measure my progress by my general wellbeing. When I'm on top of things, I find it easier to sleep, wake up, I feel better within myself, I feel happier and I tend to maintain higher levels of energy throughout the day.

I guess the main reason for me putting this post out is to give myself a bit more motivation to carry on with this all. I've fallen off the horse many times this past 5 months and I'd really like to make some solid progress throughout the rest of the year. So expect a few more fitness related posts, tips, foodie diaries etc. And don't hesitate to drop me any questions you may have, I'd be happy to answer them.


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